2nd Annual SFS Health Fair

| Saturday, 09 May 2020 |

2nd Annual SFS Health Fair

The 2nd Annual SFS Health Fair in Honor of World Refugee Day on June 19, 2010 was a huge success.

Ahmed Sahid, President/CEO of Somali Family Service, welcomed the crowd. About 400 people attended throughout the beautiful sunny day. The Health Fair kicked off with a 2K fun neighborhood walk promoting senior fitness and refugee awareness.

mayor sanders presenting

One of the elected officials who spoke on behalf of refugees was Mayor Jerry Sanders.

susan davis sfs health fair

Congresswoman Susan Davis greeted the audience.

todd gloria

Councilmember Todd Gloria spoke in support of refugees.


Salvatore Giametta from County Supervisor Ron Roberts' office also addressed the audience.

Karma Bass of Alliance Healthcare Foundation was the keynote speaker. She noted that refugees suffer disproportionately from high rates of unemployment, poverty and health challenges and suggested we work together to create brighter futures.

Other important speakers from the community included Barbara Jimenez from First 5 San Diego, Bob Montgomery of International Rescue Committee, Ralph Achenbach of The San Diego Refugee Forum, and Diana Ross of Mid-City CAN. The emcee was SFS Board Member Abdi Mohamoud.audience entertainment sfs health fair

Between the East African Youth Organization performing traditional dances, hearing from local poets and a DJ, the audience was entertained. Media coverage was by Channel 10, KUSI and others.

More than 20 agencies participated in what was truly a community event.The Health Fair was organized by the SFS Board, a planning committee including Kristen Nelson, LISC Americorps volunteer, and community volunteers.