SFS Health Fair in Honor of World Refugee Day

| Friday, 08 May 2020 |

SFS Health Fair in Honor of World Refugee Day

One major project embarked upon in 2009 was the groundbreaking Somali Family Service Health Fair in Honor of World Refugee Day on June 20. The Health Fair at City Heights Community Park was a testament to the strength of the community.


Over 15 different organizations including San Diego County, many non-profits, and healthcare providers offered exposure to a multitude of opportunities available that ensure healthy individuals and families.Dr. Steven Mills, D.C. provided the keynote speech on exercise and weight loss fundamentals, emphasizing the importance of rest, exercise and nutrition.Ron Lacey spoke on behalf of the Mayor’s office, very supportive of the event. “We need to do more of this, not just today but every week, every month we need to have some type of event where we can address these issues because that’s what is going to keep us strong not just as communities but as a nation,” he said.San Diego District 3 City Councilmember Todd Gloria also greeted the Health Fair attendees, saying “There’s a lot of work that needs to be done, and I’m grateful to Somali Family Service for providing the services that we need to welcome our families to our community, to help them get connected and to help them become successful.”

Link to KUSI reporting on the event

kusi in sfshealthfair

KUSI at SFS Health Fair